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Project teams spending too much valuable time assessing Subcontractor Claims? Claims received by various means, in various formats, breakdowns and not matching the Contract breakdown?

SUBeClaims can solve your team’s time management puzzle!


SUBeClaims is a self-service Subcontractor Claim portal. Streamlining the claim submittal and assessment process, this paperless subcontractor claim approval system will save hours off your current manual processes.

Hours saved = $ saved, happier staff, staff retention.

SUBeClaims has been designed and built from the ground up by CSSP software engineers, so is a native Cheops module.

Single Software Vendor – All Cheops


No Data Syncing Required - Fully Integrated

No Charge To Subcontractors To Use The System

Simple Intuitive Interface


Supporting Documentation Available To All Including AP


Full Historic Audit Trail


Claim Is Entered By The Subcontractor In Contract Format


Subcontractor Claims Against Approved Variations


Subcontractor Can Claim ‘Possible’ Variations


Assessment Is Done In The Contract Breakdown Format

Subcontractor Claims Against Approved Variations

Subcontractor Can View All Previous Claims And Payments

Subcontractor Loads All Mandatory Documentation With Each Claim


Subcontractor Has A Full Overview Of Any Projects They Are Undertaking


2FA Login Security (Optional)

Securely Hosted In Australia

Take a look

See how SUBeClaims streamlines the claim submittal and assessment process to save you hours on subcontractor claim approvals.

We Work With The Best

“It’s got to be one of the best job costing systems that I’ve seen. Cheops is a great construction management tool to help our team run their projects, because we can go through every single cost attributed to the job, and you can see everything straight away.”

Sue Souvleris
Dynamic Project Management & Prestige Joinery

“Cheops is really our source of truth for financial information and that’s the way we want it because we don’t really want to depend on manual workpapers outside of the Cheops system.”

Zaheer Goolam
Patterson Building Group

“Cheops plays a critical role in ensuring we maintain robust financial control over our projects. Cheops allows us to keep really tight control over the subcontracts that are out in play at any point in time: Who have we engaged, what commitments have we agreed with them, and how they are tracking against those commitments. “

Owen Hicks
CFO, First Principles Constructors

Our business has been using Cheops for approximately 4 years, and Cheops ISL for about 2 of the 4 years. Not only was Cheops ISL an environmentally friendly decision, it streamlined our invoicing process almost immediately since implementation and we have never looked back.

Cheops helpdesk staff are friendly, supportive and always happy to tackle any issue no matter how big or small. The system is easy to navigate and 9/10 there is an existing report that can be generated which will suit your reporting needs. If not, the team can assist you with customising any report.

Cheops Client
South Melbourne

Get in touch, or request a demo

If you would like to know more about eInvoicing or Cheops Construction Management System, or if you have some specific questions you would like answered, give us a call or request a demonstration. We are here to help!